Fireweed Seed takes Flight
Fireweed Seed takes Flight
“Blueberries ripe,
Fireweed seed takes flight.
Mountain avens seeds puff, juniper berry blues, quaking aspen yellows and rose hips blush.
Airy fairy parachutes swing on merry little breezes.
Salmon swimming in to spawn
Fireweed seed seeking a new dawn.
The hourglass of summer lets go of all her little time capsules.
Teeny tiny holders of Fireweed story.
She seeks a home in which to land.
The gardener in the garden is unaware of the tiny fairy hitchhiker in her hair….
Sea Chickweed chartreuse amid the Ocean’s faint whisper of Winter winds.
Fireweed seed takes flight.
Bears gorging on berries and salmon and battling black flies.
Caribou moving yet again, southerly this time.
Swans flying in a V so high above the trees.
Honking their hellos, their goodbyes.
Fireweed seed takes flight.
Where will she land? Will she grow?
Out of all of her sisters and brothers, how will we know?
Fireweed seed takes flight.”
~ Emily Grace Willis 2019