Archaic Joy
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In a nutshell you could say I’m a…


Seed keeper

Plant joy activator

Garden tender

Wild walking

Haven making

True-tale teller


I’ve been a garden guardian and herbal wild-crafter for over 25 years.


Hunting, fishing, gardening, animal husbandry, and food preservation were all part of my childhood makeup. 

For this I’m incredibly grateful. 

While in my teenage years I eschewed much of the natural teachings my parents instilled, and instead became enamored with the trappings of current culture.  It was an Archaeology 101 class that changed my life’s trajectory, in more ways than one.


That led to the Belizean rainforest and falling in love with the jungle plants.

 Then a move to SE Alaska to work for a summer.

I stayed for 19 years.

Birthed two kids.

Then came 2020.

I again found myself asking the plants, ‘what now?’

We transplanted to Idaho.

I’ve learned to garden in a whole new kind of climate.

The word ar•cha•ic (är-kā′ĭk) is described as:  Relating to, being, or characteristic of a much earlier, often more primitive period, especially one that develops into a classical stage of civilization.  No longer current or applicable; antiquated: synonym: old.  Relating to, being, or characteristic of words and language that were once in regular use but are now relatively rare and suggestive of an earlier style or period.  Primitive and ancient.  Greek arkhāïkos, old-fashioned, from arkhaios, ancient, from arkhē, beginning, from arkhein, to begin.

And joy as:  The emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires, delight.  The expression or exhibition of such emotion, gaiety.  A state of happiness or felicity, bliss.  A source or cause of delight.  Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness, or an instance of such feeling.  An expression of such feeling.  To fill with ecstatic pleasure or satisfaction. Cheerful.  To rejoice.  Middle English, from Anglo-French joie, from Latin gaudia, plural of gaudium, from gaudēre to rejoice; probably akin to Greek gēthein to rejoice.


The plants fill me with joy & delight.

I like to talk about that.

And I talk about sobriety over on Substack.

‘Cause that’s part of the story too.






Want to activate inner joy with the help of Plant magic?

What are you waiting for?