Spending a glorious blue bird day outside in October feeds the soul. There’s something inherently special about tidying up the garden, pulling spent plants out of pots, digging up weeds that were hidden under growing crops, utilizing last year’s compost pile, raking leaves, collecting the last of the seeds and harvesting the remaining food and herbs, while basking in the low-slung sunlight. It feels like I too, am storing up the last of the warmth, gathering energy to make it through the coming dormant months…
In Haven Making October we discuss Putting the Garden to Bed, planting Garlic, how to harvest Horseradish and craft your own Fire Cider blend. We go into the wild dwelling Highbush Cranberry & hedgewise Hawthorn, followed by a sweetly unnerving Samhain story featuring my old husky Steiner. 54 pages of photos and garden + herbal plant magic shares.