Truth telling
Truth telling.
It’s been on my mind recently as I read through a book titled: Fierce Medicine by Ana T. Forrest. She writes her truth as found through yoga, addiction and childhood abuse. It’s a powerful read and I’m enjoying it quite a lot. Early on in the book she writes about Truth Telling. And it’s something that appears to be under attack in the current realm in which we live. Censorship of people’s truths/experiences, questions and inquiries is happening as I type.
The following is how I am seeing current events. You may not agree with me. And that’s okay, we have different experiences. Yet, I hope you will continue reading with an open heart. And if you do agree with the sentiments herein, remember: “Bravery is contagious.”
There seems to be only one accepted ‘truth’ these days: covid kills and the only way to return to ‘normal’ is by getting vaccinations produced by companies with very questionable track records.
All over the world draconian measures are being implemented. Recently an area containing 900,000 Australians was locked down again. Over one death attributed to this new ‘delta’ variant of the corona virus. The man was over 80 years old. This “no regrets” policy was based on Case Numbers. Not real people dying all over. Since when did we pathologize the cold and flu?!? Only essential businesses are open (which means big box grocery stores and hospitals); construction sites were closed, trucking stopped. This is incredibly scary. More people will die from isolation, starvation, suicide and despondency then from this ‘virus.’
I’ve become a big fan of using your senses in order to make sense of the world. What do I see? Hear, smell, taste and touch? What does that show me? How does that inform me??
I’m going to use myself as an example.
Back in late February, early March of 2020 I experienced the same deep fear that many humans on this planet faced: a ‘deadly’ virus sweeping the world, destined to annihilate the population…and while I checked my herbal supply of anti-virals, boosted our family’s vitamin C & D intake and tried my best not to freak out, there were moments of deep, paralyzing fear for me. How can we survive this? Would we all die?
These are valid questions when the news is, and was, panic inducing.
It was at this time period I was expecting our first employee back into town. We were to work in the greenhouse together and get the garden going for the season. He arrived on the ferry into Skagway on March 13, two days before our town went into “lock down”. He’d been traveling in the northern reaches of Alaska and wasn’t really keeping up on the news. Upon seeing each other he went in for a hug and I didn’t know what to do. We were supposed to stay distant. We were supposed to not touch each other. But social bonds are hard to break and I really liked this fellow. So, we hugged briefly. But there was a disconnect in what my brain was saying and what my heart was saying. I was torn.
Then the news began to get worse. We were to shut down for two weeks, remember it was only to: “flatten the curve.” Yup. Got it. We can all do this. We’ll just be super careful and mindful and we’ll wash our hands and wear these masks and glove up, because, well, safety. My co-worker and I split shifts in the greenhouse. I no longer gave hugs.
I remember sobbing in our bedroom. So uncertain as to what the future held. Feeling so incredibly powerless. The cruise lines began to cancel ships. (Skagway is a high density cruise port in the summer months.) I began to stock up on food. I began to worry, every day.
Fear can be an insidious feeling. It can be an indicator that your safety is being threatened. It can motivate you to change what you’re doing in order to shift or escape a situation. And so the fear changed us. We became afraid of this unseen virus that had the potential to kill millions (or so the news told us). It really is interesting to be so afraid of something we have no ability to actually perceive with our five (six if you count intuition) senses.
By the first week of April, my nerves were spent. We’d been adhering to the ‘mandates’. School was closed. My son spent his 12th birthday friend-less. Social distancing. Masking. Breathing in the hot air of my exhale. Suffocating. Staying home. I was even afraid that I wouldn’t be able to take my dogs for walks. I was afraid that they were going to tell us to not go outside. Those walks in the forest were my only solace at that time. My mind could relax, my body moved through the trees and they gave me strength that was rapidly depleting.
Some places were actually not even allowing people to leave their homes except to go to work in ‘essential’ business locations. Essential workers. Remember that phrase? Thing is, if we’ve been born on this planet, we are all essential. We all have a place here and a right to live. A right to provide sustenance for our families and ourselves. Who gives one the right to determine what is essential to you and I and what is not? We are all different humans who have different variations of needs. For example, massage therapists are essential in my eyes to help those afflicted with pain and muscular issues. They were shut down of course.
And that’s when I started to wake up.
I woke up to the fact that there was no talk of true health altering actions. Fauci wasn’t recommending Vitamins C or D, getting enough zinc or getting good sleep. He wasn’t mentioning doing yoga or deep breathing for stress relief. He didn’t say quit eating fast food/junk food. He didn’t encourage reducing your toxic load of chemical laden products. Not a word about whole foods based nutrition. The news media didn’t say these things either. They said to stay home, stay indoors, avoid human contact. Use nasty sanitizing gel that destroys your skin’s microbiome…What about sunshine? Did you know that your body produces natural vitamin D when your skin is exposed to the rays of that glorious light bringing star? What about moving your body outdoors in order to keep your muscles strong and your senses bright? These main things that promote good health in humans: sleep, stress relief, good nutrition, movement, time outdoors in nature & human connection were not discussed, or were actively suppressed, among the MSM (main stream media) and our government, and other governments across the world.
This was a HUGE red flag for me.
And it should be for you too.
If what I discussed above makes you upset or triggered or want to yell, so be it. Feel it. But also question where your information comes from. Does it come from the main stream news media that is funded by literally 6 corporations (owning 90-95% of all media)? Does is come from a governmental ABC organization that takes taxpayer money to fund research for private corporate entities? Who then sells the product back to said ABC organization to be “given for free” to the public? And who then reap massive quantities of money… Why don’t we get free vegetables? Free cod liver oil for vitamin D? Free gym passes? No. We’re “given” an experimental injection that actually could cause death. And isn’t that what we’ve been trying to avoid with all these ‘public health mandates’?
Right now, there are hundreds, if not thousands of places insisting workers, students, teachers, state workers, doctors, nurses, firemen and ambulance drivers receive an experimental injection in order to keep their jobs, their education. There is no long-term safety data. We are the data. And there’s a whole heap of problems and deaths and issues that are stemming from this. Look up VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). I’ll speak more on this at another time.
I hope that perhaps by reading this something opens in your heart. Maybe it’s a deep knowing that something is very, very off right now. That maybe all these institutions that were supposed to be helping us, are the very institutions that want to control us, and keep us weak. Perhaps this will ignite your own truth, your own experience and you will begin to open up to others and share it. Our children need us.
The time is now.
Thank you for reading.
~ Emily
“The power of Independence, Free Flight. Hummingbird Medicine is the power that touches your heart. As you dance the four corners of embodied existence, hummingbird bring us medicine to solve the riddle.” ~ Doowans